Jeremy Alfred’s time with the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy, RYLA, taught him more than just leadership skills.
The soon-to-be Waunakee High School senior spoke to the Waunakee Rotary Club Aug. 15 about his recent experience with RYLA, describing two days of activities at Upham Woods Camp in Wisconsin Dells.
He and the other participants played games to build leadership skills and get to know one another.
That first night, they went on a hike led by former Rotary District Governor Michelle McGrath. They looked at the stars and heard about a native tribe that goes out at night. The members close their eyes and listen to the sounds around them until sunrise.
The RYLA participants did just that for a time that evening.
“It was an amazing experience to close your eyes and listen to nature,” Jeremy said, adding he heard owls and other creatures.
They and the RYLA counselors ended the night around the campfire.
Saturday, the students engaged in service projects, cleaning cabins and the areas around them, planting flowers for pollinators and clearing invasive plants.
They participated in more leadership and more team-building activities, then spent time learning about the use of the Rotary 4-Way Test “of the things we think, say and do” to determine if an action is ethical.
Each of the teams was tasked with creating a skit to demonstrate the use of the 4-Way Test. Jeremy’s team created a skit about someone spiking a punch at a party and determined this was unethical. Their skit won a prize.
Jeremy said he got a lot out of the experience, including the opportunity to meet people he otherwise would not have, including one participant from Turkey.
“These people were so amazing. I am glad I got to meet them,” he said.
RYLA also forced him to leave his comfort zone and talk to new people. And, it helped him build a connection with nature.
“They usd the environment and parts of nature to connect us in an environment that felt comforting,” he said.
He appreciated learning about Rotary and the 4-Way Test.
“Most of all, I learned the value of human connection,” he said.
Other News:
Guests: Hillary Pink-Budworth.
Visiting Rotarians: None
Birthdays: Aug. 23, David Rupp.
Anniversaries: Aug. 26, Lori and Peter Derauf; Aug. 26, John and Debbie Cullen; Aug. 28, Connie and Marjorie Blau.
Greeters: Aug. 22, Tony Burns and Jon Townley; Aug. 29, Alex Welk and Tom Kennedy; Sept. 5, Shauna Hughey and ???; Sept. 12, Tracy Graber and Jen Tasker.
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