Dec. 7 was Club Assembly for the Waunakee Rotary Club, so the various committee chairs updated the members about their work.
Phil Willems, for fundraising, said the Rotary in Lights display is going well, and should take in about the same amount in donations as last year. But some expenses loom for a trailer, which he estimated at $6,000. Betty Willems has donated $1,000 already, and other donations are forthcoming, he said.
Corey Randall said the fellowship committee is planning an event in January. The Christmas party is Jan. 9.
Todd Schmidt said the programs and public relations committee is lining up speakers. Next week, the Wisconsin Public Radio’s marketing coordinator will give a program about the station’s 100th year, and on Dec. 28, Miss Wisconsin, who grew up in Waunakee, will speak.
Lori Derauf said the youth and vocational committee is forming a committee to help students from low-income families with expenses such as school lunches, graduation caps and gowns, field trips and extracurriculars. That committee will be asking the club for donations.
Bob Sachtjen said the community service committee saw a good turnout for Santa at the Village Center, and at his Knights of Columbus meeting, a $500 donation was approved for the Rotary in Lights trailer. He reminded the club that caroling at the Manor will be Dec. 14.

Other news:
- Harold, the club’s foreign exchange student, is moving in with his second exchange family.
-Leonard Allen said the Light the Night with Santa event brought the biggest turnout he’s seen to the caroling at the creche event.
-The board approved a $2,000 donation to the Waunakee Food Pantry, president-elect Mark McFarland said.
-Mark also said volunteers are needed at 2 p.m. Dec. 14 to help with the ethics program at the high school.
-If you have some free time and feel like repairing some of the lights at the Rotary in Lights display, stop by and see David Weishoff at David’s Certified Auto Repair.
-The club voted on the board of directors. With no opposition, Taylor Endres won the president-elect’s seat by a landslide. Allison Feldbruegge and David Weishoff were elected to the board of directors.
-The club is seeking input on a request from the Public Art Project committee for a $25,000 donation toward the sculpture at the high school. The board is seeking input from the members.
-Mark also reminded the club of the Rotary Foundation’s goal to collect donations of $100 from each club member. We’re about halfway there, he said, with about six months left to go.
-Cheese packages that club members ordered will be delivered next week; the poinsettias arrived at the Dec. 7 meeting.
Guests: Betty Willems, guest of Phil Willems; David Norby, guest of Harriet Statz; Steve Genheimer, guest of Mark McFarland.
Visiting Rotarians: None.
Birthdays: Dec. 14, Dec. 14, Rich Wipperfurth.
Anniversaries: None.
Greeters: Dec. 14, Jim Schmitz and Phil Simon; Dec. 21, Dan Statz and Harriet Statz; Dec. 28, Ray Statz and Don Tierney; Jan. 4, Jon Townley and Susan Vergeront.